Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The game is still the same.

I don't know how to write anymore and it's sad. I can't organize my thoughts coherently. I'm trying right now but it's so difficult. Transistions are especially rough. What if something is wrong with my brain?

I think the Quincy Sun magically appears in my mailbox. See, it comes on different days every week it seems. But I feel it does not come in with the rest of the mail? Where is it coming from? I need to find out.

So Christmas and New Years were good in case you were wondering. My resolution which i JUST figured out about two days ago is to learn to let go. I would enjoy being a little less crazy in the head and I think this might do the trick.

Last week was GOOD. I had been working on an outreach event with some cohorts and it finaly took place Monday and resulted in a nice community-esque mural which should move around the cape and hopefully inspire some. Thursday I got to help with a necropsy on a seal. Intense, yet amazing. And then some of us also did a puppet show Friday which was so fun. It's about recycling and it's sweet, these aren't no sock puppets.

Over the weekend I went back to PC which was weird because it felt so normal to be there. It was great to go back to McPhail's. What a great bar, gosh. And seeing everyone was so exciting. Only regret is that I still have "PC" on my hand in sharpie that will not come off no matter how hard i scrub.

I just started reading an amazing book and this is what my next post will feature.

Sad news, sip and stich no longer exists. Okay bye.