Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i might be immune to poison ivy

So the past two days we have been doing some land management projects.. ie attacking invasive species suck as bittersweet, honeysuckle and the stubborn and painful green briar. These baddies are taking over, they're everywhere on the cape and they just don't belong here, they are choking out almost everything. In order to unleash our fury we have learned to use some pretty sweet tools like the polaski (sp?) and loppers (large clippers?) and some saws (no CHAINsaws yet, but sooooooooooon enough). The polaski is probably my favorite because it's big and bad and you can take out roots and reeeeeeeeeally unleash your fury with it. Thing is though, yesterday was i was unleasing so much fury that i did not notice that there was a stick in front of me and what happened was it went up my nose ... u can imagine that feeling.

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