Tuesday, September 26, 2006

stuff and stuff

Today we got our individual placements, mine is at the alternative septic test center. What this means is that I am going to be playing with poo for 10 months. I had known this on an unofficial basis, but today I received official notice... so as of next week, work officially starts. From then on my week will run a little something like this. . . mondays and fridays = group projects, tuesdays and wednesdays = alternative septic, and thursdays is COD day. COD day is meant for community outreach and development and has a clever little name eh?

As of today I like to joke a little bit about my IP, but i'm also actually really excited about it. I'll be helping to test promising new pollution reducing technologies. And that is pretty important here on the cape considering 95% of the population uses septic systems. These systems are currently unleashing gobs of nitrogen and it's just no good. Eutrophication like woah!

OK so for my one avid reader out there whose name rhymes with gidget i'm going to try to post a little more, my guarantee will be at least thrice a week, you must hold me to that.

This week our training switched gears a bit and has been focusing on the disaster response aspect of the program. Yesterday we had some training with the cape cod stranding network and learned all about seal dolphin and whale saving protocol. Am I dreaming? Cuz i'm pretty sure I am.
Then today we got a little red cross intro.

I am inspired.


laura said...

oh the RC... how varied and 'colorful' your training is... keep up the post-o-rama...

laura said...

also, a ps since there is no new post yet, i love the title of this post.