Sunday, October 08, 2006


Right now I am mentally preparing myself to cope with the fact that when I wake up tomorrow morning I WILL have a cold- I can feeel it. And I want so badly for a miracle to occur so that I won't have to deal with this silliness. Seriously, what is the cold? It's just obnoxious and the worst is that I can not handle having a cold and I whine the whole time, hence this post.... Sweeet

Aside from that, the weekend was funnnnnn. I worked at an energy fair, I got to see my best friendsss, I saw my fam. Andddd it don't get much better. Last night was highly entertaining and I think that it ending with the most insane sneezing fit I have ever witnessed made it THAT much better.

Today I was unsuccessful at 1. buying black clothing friendly sneakers - i have only brown sneakers at the moment - and 2. buying a jacket for the chilliness that has been happening. I never really wear jackets? I have been entertaining the idea for some time, and now i'm pretty much forced to make it happen since i lost my sweet sweet black vest somewhere on PC's campus last semester.....

What have I been up to for work you ask? Well I mentioned the energy fair which was a good time until i accidentally somehow unleashed the fury of an older gentleman who did not want me to start organizing things for clean-up, yeaaaa. Friday we winterized some gardens --it was almost back breaking labor, lots of shovelling and pulling weeds. I loved it. During the day I grabbed the PI - poison ivy for those not hip to the lingo - by accident and so in a few days this should prove or disprove my immunity to the oozing mess of a good time.

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