so if the last 4 days were a sandwich, it would be a ridiculous on sweet-bread. a-k-a friday and monday we did shellfishing and the weekend was a blend of bizarre events. i will elaborate...
friday the house went to p-town for some birthday celebrations (big ups to l.nichols and one called peaches). we went to governor bradfords which was a sweet mix of drag queen karaoke upstairs and lively dancing downstairs. i, always being the responsible one, was the designated driver, so after our good time i drove my ppl home. .... run in with the cops ensued, got a nice lil moving violation which i will protest fa sho... but the best part is that i got home and partook in 20 minutes sleep then had to drive to connecticut "the next morning". hartford marathon was the name of the game for the day. it was my first marathon experience, spectator of course... so anyways, i wish i could explain this better but the day was crazy and laura, becca and i basically used the car as a hotel room and squated in the civic center for meals while eric ran. goodtimes.
Sunday was a different story.. it included normal sleeping and activities but was especial because i went to liz clarks play with carolyn and we ended up seeing infamous.. GOOOOOD movie. i loved it.
thennnnn there was today, lets see, it started off pretty sweet, i learned to use "hog ties" and fixed up some stuff, or at least i thought i was.. rooster later told me i was doing it wrong, whatev minor detail... then i got to powerwash, still exciting... then i picked a fight with some barnicles and lost, still pumped about life, it's cool. later on i was working on moving oyster trays and tripped on a cynderblock and totally went in the water... the ulimate leaky waders. yat first it was refreshing, then i was freezing.
moral of the story is, i love shellfishing group service projects and weirdo weekends.